Sreemat Advaitanada Puri: Swami Advaitananda was the most spiritual Hrishi in the 20th century. His divinity was uncommon and spiritual. 

His holy proverb...
"Hrishi Yuga Nai Bole Na Bhavio Mone. Ashiteche Sworno Yuga Yuga Abortone."

He was born in the family Of Sree Pratap Mitra Chowdhury and Sreemati Sachi Rani Chowdhury at Banigram, Banskhali thana, Chittagong, Bangladesh in the year 1903 (1311 Bangla, 4 joisto on tuesday). They were three brothers Advaita , Aditya, Achyuta and three sisters Adhari, Ambika, Amiyo. He passed matriculation with distinction in math and Sanskrit under kolkata University . He was the deciple of Jagadananda Puri . He had also formal education on Sanskrit language and later established toll., Sanskrit and religious teaching centre .